
Jeti is a social media platform that connects you with people who are nearby, have shared interests or topics, and friends and family members. Our mission is to provide a fun, friendly way to engage with your community, near or far.

What can I do with Jeti?

A little too far from the action? We'll show you what's trending in other areas close to you just in case.

Are you a #dog person or a #cat person? Every hashtag has a story, and you can find nearly any topic on Jeti. If a lot of posts contain a given hashtag, it'll appear under "Trending Hashtags" on the Explore page.

When you create an account on Jeti, you can follow people you care about, and they can follow you! A new feed will come up on the Timeline screen called "Following" where you'll find all of the recent posts from people you follow.


Last updated